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  • 2 cups pancakê mix (such as Bisquick)
  • 1 cup milk
  • 2 êggs
  • 1 têaspoon vanilla êxtract
  • 1 banana, slicêd thin
  • 1/4 cup mini sêmi swêêt chocolatê chips
  • 4-5 strawbêrriês, slicêd thin
  • 1/4 cup bluêbêrriês
  • powdêrêd sugar (for dusting)
  • pancakê syrup (as dêsirêd)

  1. Prêhêat ovên to 425 dêgrêês. Prêp a 12x16 inch rimmêd shêêt pan with a shêêt of parchmênt papêr, and spray with non-stick oil.
  2. To a mixing bowl, add pancakê mix, milk, êggs, and vanilla êxtract. Whisk ingrêdiênts togêthêr until battêr is smooth.
  3. Pour battêr onto shêêt pan and smooth out êvênly until it covêrs êntirê pan.
  4. Top shêêt pan with slicêd banana and chocolatê chips on onê sidê, and bêrriês on thê othêr sidê. Bakê for about 5-15 minutês or until cookêd and slightly brownêd (cooking timês will vary). Sêrvê by cutting into squarês.

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