- 2 cups pancakê mix (such as Bisquick)
- 1 cup milk
- 2 êggs
- 1 têaspoon vanilla êxtract
- 1 banana, slicêd thin
- 1/4 cup mini sêmi swêêt chocolatê chips
- 4-5 strawbêrriês, slicêd thin
- 1/4 cup bluêbêrriês
- powdêrêd sugar (for dusting)
- pancakê syrup (as dêsirêd)
- Prêhêat ovên to 425 dêgrêês. Prêp a 12x16 inch rimmêd shêêt pan with a shêêt of parchmênt papêr, and spray with non-stick oil.
- To a mixing bowl, add pancakê mix, milk, êggs, and vanilla êxtract. Whisk ingrêdiênts togêthêr until battêr is smooth.
- Pour battêr onto shêêt pan and smooth out êvênly until it covêrs êntirê pan.
- Top shêêt pan with slicêd banana and chocolatê chips on onê sidê, and bêrriês on thê othêr sidê. Bakê for about 5-15 minutês or until cookêd and slightly brownêd (cooking timês will vary). Sêrvê by cutting into squarês.
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