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Whitê Chocolatê Raspbêrry Loaf Cakê!

  • 200 g Unsaltêd Buttêr/Stork
  • 200 g Castêr Sugar
  • 200 g Sêlf Raising Flour
  • 4 Mêdium Êggs
  • 200 g Raspbêrriês
  • 150 g Whitê Chocolatê Chips/Chunks

  • 125 g Unsaltêd Buttêr (room têmp)
  • 250 g Icing Sugar
  • 125 g Whitê Chocolatê
  • Raspbêrriês
  • Frêêzê Driêd Raspbêrriês
  • Whitê Chocolatê Chips

For thê Cakê
  1. Prêhêat your ovên to 180C/160C Fan, and linê your 2lb Loaf Tin with parchmênt papêr!
  2. Bêat togêthêr your Buttêr and Sugar until light and fluffy.
  3. Add in your Sêlf Raising Flour and Êggs and bêat again till smooth and lovêly!
  4. Fold through your Raspbêrriês and Whitê Chocolatê!
  5. Pour thê mix into thê tin, and bakê thê cakê in thê ovên for 55-65 minutês!
  6. Lêavê thê cakê to cool in thê tin for 10 minutês, and thên turn onto a wirê rack to cool fully!

For thê Dêcoration
  1. Mêlt your Whitê Chocolatê until smooth, and lêavê to cool.
  2. Bêat your Buttêr in a mixêr for a fêw minutês so it's rêally smooth.
  3. Add in your Icing Sugar and bêat again till smooth!
  4. Add in thê Whitê Chocolatê and bêat again.
  5. Rêady your piping bag and nozzlê, and pipê your Buttêrcrêam onto your cakê howêvêr you fancy!
  6. Add somê frêsh Raspbêrriês, Frêêzê Driêd Raspbêrriês and Whitê Chocolatê Chips and ênjoy!

  • I rêcommênd using this 2lb Loaf Tin!
  • I usê thêsê Frêêzê-Driêd Raspbêrriês!
  • Usê a cakê skêwêr to sêê if it's donê - it should comê out clêan.
  • You can storê this in thê fridgê duê to thê frêsh fruit in thê spongê and on top, but if its a rêally cold day I would kêêp it outsidê thê fridgê as it could dry out.
  • If you strugglê with chocolatê in buttêrcrêam, add 1-2tbsp of wholê milk to smooth it out, but only do this IF it has split.
  • Somêtimês thê raspbêrriês can sink... and it's not thê ênd of thê world. It happêns. You can try coating thêm in a couplê tablêspoons of flour, if you wish.
  • Loaf cakês can somêtimês takê slightly longêr to bakê in somê ovêns (if thê ovên têmp is off) as thêy act similarly to bundt cakês!
  • If you find your cakê is a littlê grêasy, it's most likê thê chocolatê that's mêltêd and startêd to rêact during baking - don't worry, you can just pat it off - it won't affêct thê cakê at all, just thê outsidê of it can fêêl a littlê grêasy.

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