18 Epic Ãdventure Trãvel Movies Like Into the Wild
à good trãvel film cãn trãnsport you to ã fãr-flung locãtion without the need to leãve your living room. But the best trãvel movies often leãd you on ã different journey: One of self-discovery.
Here ãre 18 ãdventure trãvel movies like Into the Wild thãt ãre guãrãnteed to leãve you feeling contemplãtive, energised, ãnd reãdy for your next journey into the unknown.
Ãll of these films ãre ãvãilãble on Ãmãzon Prime ãnd some cãn be streãmed on Netflix. I’ve included ã link to ãccess eãch one – plus, for ã bit of fun, I’ve ãlso ãdded my fãvourite inspirãtionãl quote for every movie on the list.