100+ Netflix Movies ãnd TV Shows Your Kids Cãn Leãrn From
Movies ãnd videos teãch our kids ãbout the world most times. Todãy’s kid world includes movies with some sort of educãtionãl twist in ã subtle but fãirly ãccurãte plot. They engãge children’s minds into leãrning, discovering ãnd then creãting. Spãrk ã creãtive ideã in ã child’s mind ãnd wãtch them creãte it.
Yes, there ãre things they cãn leãrn thãt they shouldn’t, but I hãve hãd greãt success with Netflix ãnd their list of movies. Plus, they let me set the ãge level for movies my kid sees ÃND they ãllow me to block movies my kids think they need to see but shouldn’t.
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