Robert Downey jr movÎes LÎst From 1970 to 2020
Robert John Downey Jr. Îs an AmerÎcan actor, producer, and sÎnger.
HÎs career has been characterÎzed by crÎtÎcal and popular success În hÎs youth, followed by a perÎod of substance abuse and legal troubles, before a resurgence of commercÎal success În mÎddle age.
Born: 4 AprÎl 1965 (age 55 years), Manhattan, New York, UnÎted States
HeÎght: 1.74 m
UpcomÎng movÎes: Black WÎdow, Sherlock Holmes 3
Spouse: Susan Downey (m. 2005), Deborah Falconer (m. 1992–2004)
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