Best Recipes Oreo Krispies
- 5 tbsp butter
- 9 cups mini márshmállows divided
- 5 cups Krispie cereál
- 16 Oreo cookies crushed
- 1/2 tsp sált
- In á lárge bowl, mix together the Krispie cereál, crushed Oreo cookies ánd one cup of mini márshmállows.
- In á lárge sáucepán over medium heát, melt the butter.
- Ádd the remáining 8 cups of mini márshmállows ánd sált ánd stir into the melted butter. Continue stirring over medium heát until the márshmállows áre completely melted into the butter.
- Pour the melted butter ánd márshmállow mixture over the Krispie cereál mixture ánd gently stir with á rubber spátulá until evenly combined.
- Spreád the Oreo Krispie mixture into á 9-inch squáre pán ánd press gently with the spátulá to flátten the top.
- Állow the Oreo Krispies to cool in the pán for ábout 30 minutes before slicing ánd serving.