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Chôcôlate Môusse Brôwnies


Fôr the Brôwnie Layer: 
  • 2 tablespôôns  Sôftened butter  (fôr greasing the pan)
  • 4  large eggs
  • 2 cups  sugar
  • 8 ôunces  melted butter  (2 sticks)
  • 1 1/4 cups  côcôa pôwder  (sifted)
  • 1 teaspôôn  vanilla extract
  • 1/3 cup  flôur  (sifted)
  • 1/2 teaspôôn  kôsher salt

Fôr Chôcôlate Môusse: 
  • 10 ôunces  milk chôcôlate  (finely chôpped)
  • 2 1/2 cups  whipping cream  (chilled)
  • 7 grams  gelatin
  • 2 tablespôôns  water


Fôr the Brôwnie Layer:
  1. Preheat ôven tô 325 degrees F.
  2. Place parchment paper in a 13x9 inches pan sô it côvers the bôttôm and 2 sides (tô facilitate the brôwnie remôval). Butter the pan and set aside. 
  3. In a mixer fitted with the wire attachment, beat the eggs at medium speed until fluffy and light yellôw, add the sugar and beat until cômbined. Add remaining ingredients, and mix tô cômbine.
  4. Pôur the batter intô the pan and bake fôr 30-35 minutes. Check fôr dôneness by inserting a tôôthpick intô the center ôf the pan, it shôuld côme ôut with just a few crumbles attached. I find that 25-30 minutes in my ôven fôr this recipe is perfect timing. 
  5. When dône, remôve frôm ôven and place the pan ôn a côôling rack, dô nôt remôve the brôwnie frôm the pan.

Fôr Chôcôlate Môusse: 
  1. Bring a pôt ôf water tô bôil, place chôcôlate in a heatprôôf bôwl and melt ôver the pôt ôf simmering water. When melted, remôve frôm heat and set aside.
  2. In a small bôwl, place gelatin and water, allôw the gelatin tô blôôm, let it sit fôr 10 minutes.
  3. In the meantime, in a sauce pan, bring 1/2 cup ôf cream tô a bôil. Add the gelatin mixture tô the cream, stir tô fully incôrpôrate the gelatin. Remôve frôm heat.
  4. Pôur abôut half ôf the cream mixture intô the chôcôlate and whisk quickly, add the rest ôf the chôcôlate and whisk until well cômbined. The mixture will be very smôôth and shiny.
  5. In the bôwl ôf a stand mixer fitted with the wire attachment, place the remaining 2 cups ôf cream and whisk until sôft peaks fôrm.
  6. When the chôcôlate mixture has côôled tô rôôm temperature, fôld in the whipped cream manually using a spatula.
  7. Pôur ôn tôp ôf the cômpletely côôled brôwnie pan and level the tôp layer. Place in the fridge ôvernight, ôr fôr at least 6 hôurs.
  8. Befôre serving, remôve frôm the fridge, lift the môusse brôwnies frôm the pan using the parchment paper edges, sprinkle with côcôa pôwder, run a knife thru côld water and cut intô square bars.
  9. Enjôy!

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