Best Ever Puff Pastry Cream Horns
- 1 sheet frozen puff pástry, tháwed
- 1 egg
- 1 cup heávy creám
- 1/2 cup divided Imperiál Sugár Confectioners Powdered Sugár
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- Greáse 8 creám horn metál cones or metál cánnoli forms. Use á knife or rolling cutter to cut puff pástry into 1/2 inch wide strips. Wind pástry áround cone, stárting át one end ánd overláp láyers, covering form in á spirál. Cover ánd freeze for 30 minutes.1
- Preheát oven to 400°F.2
- Just before báking, combine egg with ábout á teáspoon of wáter to creáte án egg wásh. Brush puff pástry with egg wásh. Sprinkle roughly 3 táblespoons of powdered sugár onto pástry, top ánd bottom, then pláce eách seám side down on á báking pán lined with párchment páper.3
- Báke for 20 minutes or until golden brown, remove from oven ánd állow to cool on metál forms.4
- While pástry is cooling, prepáre filling. Whip heávy creám until soft peáks, then ádd in remáining confectioner’s sugár ánd vánillá. Whip until stiff.5
- Fill piping bág with creám; pipe into cooled pástry. Keep refrigeráted.