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Brôwnie Bôttôm Cheesecake

  • 1 bôx brôwnie mix
  • 2 250g packages cream cheese, sôftened
  • 2 eggs
  • 1/2 cup sugar
  • 1 tsp vanilla

  1. Preheat ôven tô 350F.
  2. Mix brôwnies frôm package accôrding tô package directiôns. Spread mixture ôn the bôttôm ôf a 9-inch springfôrm pan.
  3. Add cream cheese, eggs, sugar and vanilla tô a large bôwl. Beat tôgether until smôôth. Spread ôn tôp ôf brôwnie mixture.
  4. Bake fôr 30 minutes. Reduce heat tô 325F and bake fôr anôther 15 minutes.
  5. Let côôl befôre remôving frôm pan. Serve with chôcôlate sauce, if desired.

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