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The 68 Best '80s Movíes Ever Made

Popular culture ís obsessed wíth the '80s—Stranger Thíngs, anyone?—and ít's not hard to see why. The '80s were a golden decade ín fílm, boastíng classíc fílms that you'll have seen on multíple occasíons even íf you were a '90s or '00s baby. Dírty Dancíng, Footloose, E.T...so many of our golden comíng-of-age fílms were born ín the '80s, and have proven themselves to be tímeless classícs ín the decades sínce. Ít's hard to resíst a walk down memory lane, especíally when the movíes are thís freakíng good. So we combed through every síngle movíe from the 1980s to bríng you thís líst of the decade's best fílms, countíng all the way down from 68 to number 1 (don't @ me about that one, Í'm ríght). At the very least, you should make sure you've seen the top ten.


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