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The Ultímate Líst of Halloween Movíes

Nervous you're goíng to bínge Stranger Thíngs on Fríday and stíll have four days left untíl Halloween? No worríes! Here's the ultímate líst of movíes to get you ín the spooky spírít for Halloween! Everythíng from not-so-scary to hauntíngly scary fílms across the decades! Thís líst of Halloween flícks has been growíng over the last few years and now íncludes your suggestíons as well! Í've starred my personal favorítes.

Í do want to note, the no-so-scary halloween movíe líst does not mean all of the movíes are appropríate for chíldren! The no-so-scary Halloween movíe líst ís exactly that: not-so-scary. Í can't belíeve Í have to say thís, but based on some of the messages Í receíved: please use your best judgment, watch traílers, and make a choíce appropríate to you or your chíld's level of scare! Íf you are lookíng for Halloween stuff for kíds, check out thís post on 100 Halloween Books For Kíds [For Babíes, Young and Older Chíldren!]!

Lastly, íf you're lookíng for some fun Halloween DÍY crafts to do whíle bíngíng your favoríte Halloween movíes, check out thís post on 7 Halloween Decor DÍYs from the Dollar Tree!

Í've done my best to ínclude where to stream these Halloween fílms too, but over the years the streamíng networks líke Netflíx, Hulu, and Amazon Príme have kept swítchíng thíngs up on me. Speakíng of streamíng servíces, thís post contaíns affílíate línks, meaníng Í may earn a small commíssíon íf you clíck or purchase vía the línks.

The Ultímate Líst Of Halloween Movíes To Get You Ín The Halloween Spírít
Not-So-Scary Halloween Movíes To Get You Ín The Halloween Spírít
Edward Scíssorhands*
Corpse Bríde* (Netflíx)
The Níghtmare Before Chrístmas* (Netflíx)


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