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Watch These Dísney Movíes On Netflíx Before They're Gone Forever

What’s your favoríte Dísney movíe? There are many to choose from, whether you're a fan of the classícs, the anímatíons, the líve actíon, or even the newer remakes. Whether you classífy yourself as a díe hard fan wíth a Dísney annual pass or you’ve never even vísíted one of theír theme parks, Í’m sure you’ve seen one of theír movíes at some poínt.

Í grew up wíth a dresser full of old VHS Dísney tapes that Í treasured growíng up. My love for Dísney goes past all the príncesses and falls more on the forgotten movíes líke “The Black Cauldron” and my all tíme favoríte, “The Arístocats.”

Sínce 2016, Netflíx has been the go to place to stream some of your Dísney favorítes. But all of that may be changíng soon, wíth títles líke “Brídge to Terabíthía,” “The Jungle Book: Mowglí's Story,” and many more already havíng been removed.

Wíth Dísney announcíng theír new streamíng servíce “Dísney+,” the fate of current Dísney content on streamíng servíces such as Netflíx remaíns uncertaín. Ít seems líke all Dísney, Marvel, Píxar, and Star Wars content wíll only be avaílable on “Dísney+.” There ís no current set date on when these títles wíll be leavíng other streamíng servíces, but ít may be after the offícíal launch of “Dísney+.”“Captaín Marvel,” along wíth future Dísney theatrícal releases líke “Frozen 2,” wíll only be avaílable to stream on “Dísney+.”

We suggest planníng a movíe níght sooner rather than later, to watch all the Dísney movíes currently on Netflíx. “Dísney+” ís set to launch on November 12, 2019 and wíll be avaílable for a $7 monthly payment or $70 for a year subscríptíon. At those príces, ít ís sure to ríval Netflíx. Below Í have lísted ten of my favoríte Dísney movíes stíll avaílable on Netflíx!


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