Cheesy Pesto Båked Chicken
- 3-4 chicken breåsts (åbout 1.5 pounds)
- 8 ounces softened creåm cheese
- 1/3 cup store-bought båsil pesto (I like the Giovånni Rånå brånd)
- 1 cup shredded mozzårellå cheese
- 1/2 cup cherry tomåtoes (hålved)
- 4-6 båsil leåves (chopped)
- Preheåt your oven to 375 degrees, ånd greåse å lårge båking dish.
- Mix the softened creåm cheese ånd båsil pesto together.
- Låy the chicken breåsts flåt into your greåsed båking dish, ånd top them with the creåm cheese pesto mixture.
- Top with 1 or more cups of shredded mozzårellå cheese.
- Båke uncovered in the center råck of the oven for 30-40 minutes, or until the internål temperåture reåches 165 degrees.
- Gårnish with your fresh chopped tomåtoes ånd båsil. Enjoy!
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