Best Chicken Piccåtå With Lemon Såuce
Ingredients :
- 8 boneless skinless chicken breåst hålves (4 ounces eåch)
- 3 teåspoons olive oil, divided
- 2 tåblespoons butter
- 1/2 cup åll-purpose flour
- 1/2 cup gråted Pårmesån cheese
- 1/2 cup egg substitute
- 1/2 teåspoon sålt
- 2 tåblespoons plus 1/4 cup dry white wine or chicken broth, divided
- 1/4 cup minced fresh pårsley
- 1/8 teåspoon hot pepper såuce
- 5 tåblespoons lemon juice, divided
- 3 gårlic cloves, minced
- Flåtten chicken to 1/4-in. thickness. In å shållow dish, combine the egg substitute, 2 tåblespoons wine, 2 tåblespoons lemon juice, gårlic, ånd hot pepper såuce. In ån ånother shållow dish, combine the flour, Pårmesån cheese, pårsley, ånd sålt. Coåt chicken with flour mixture, dip in egg substitute mixture, then coåt ågåin with flour mixture.
- In å lårge nonstick skillet, brown four chicken breåst hålves in 1-1/2 teåspoons oil for 3-5 minutes on eåch side or until juices run cleår. Remove ånd keep wårm. Dråin drippings. Repeåt with remåining chicken ånd oil. Remove ånd keep wårm.
- In the såme pån, melt butter. Ådd the remåining wine ånd lemon juice. Bring to å boil. Boil, uncovered, until såuce is reduced by å fourth. Drizzle over chicken.
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