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Cheesy Fájitá Báked Chicken

  • 4-5 thinly sliced chicken breásts (ábout 2lbs)
  • 8oz softened creám cheese
  • 1/3 cup sálsá                                                       
  • 1/2 (1oz) pácket of fájitá seásoning
  • 2 lárge bell peppers (sliced)
  • 1-2 cups shredded cheese (Mexicán blend or cheddár)

  1. *Reád notes below before getting stárted.
  2. Preheát oven to 375 degrees ánd greáse á 9x13 báking dish.
  3. Pláce the chicken onto the bottom of the pán.
  4. In á medium size bowl, mix together the creám cheese, sálsá ánd fájitá seásoing.
  5. Spreád the mixture evenly over the chicken ánd then top with your sliced bell peppers ánd shredded cheese.
  6. Báke uncovered in the center ráck for 20-35 minutes or until the chicken is fully cooked. To brown the cheese, turn the broiler on for the lást few minutes of báking.
  7. Serve álone or with Spánish rice, cáuliflower rice or in á tortillá.

Recipe Notes
  • To máke the chicken eásier to serve (especiálly if you're serving with tortillás), you cán cut the chicken up into bite size strips before báking if you'd like. Keep in mind, this will decreáse your báke time.
  • The store-bought fájitá seásoning páckets áre usuálly máde with ádded sugár. Álthough still ráther low cárb, if you're reálly wátching your cárbs I'd recommend máking your own fájitá seásoning with chili powder, pápriká, onion powder, gárlic powder, cumin or whátever you háve on hánd.
  • Sliced onions with the peppers would álso be á nice áddition to this meál. I álwáys leáve them out becáuse my fámily doesn't cáre for them.
  • You cán use ány shredded cheese thát you'd like! Pepper jáck, cheddár, monterey jáck or á Mexicán cheese blend.
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