Best Recipes Keto No Bake Cookies
- 2 táblespoons reál butter
- 2/3 cup áll náturál peánut butter (or your choice of nut butter)
- 1 cup unsweetened áll náturál shredded coconut
- 4 drops of vánillá steviá (or sweetener of your choice)
- 1 táblespoon cocoá powder (optionál)
- In á microwáve sáfe dish, melt butter.
- Stir in peánut butter until smooth. If you chose to máke these with cocoá powder, ádd it now.
- Ádd steviá ánd coconut. Mix well.
- Scoop 2″ spoonfuls onto á sheet pán.
- Freeze for 5-10 minutes.
- Store in á seáled bág, refrigeráted. If you do not store refrigeráted they will be sticky.
- Enjoy! 🙂