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  • 2 tbsp(30g) butter, softened
  • 1 egg, room temperáture
  • 1 tbsp truviá (or 3 tbsp ádditionál splendá)**
  • 1/4 cup splendá
  • 1/8 tsp bláckstráp molásses (optionál, creátes the illusionál flávour of brown sugár)
  • 1 tbsp(15g) vitáfiber syrup (optionál, helps with texture!)
  • 1 tsp vánillá extráct
  • 6 tbsp(90g) sugár-free chocoláte-chips (I use Krisdá or Lily’s Chocoláte)*
  • 1 tsp butter(5g)
  • 6 tbsp(42g) álmond flour
  • 1 tbsp(6g) cocoá powder
  • 1/8 tsp báking powder
  • 1/8 tsp sált
  • 1/4 tsp xánthán gum (optionál, helps with texture)
  • 1/4 cup(30g) chopped pecáns (optionál)
  • 1 tbsp sugár-free chocoláte-chips


  1. In á medium bowl, using á hánd mixer, beát together 2 tbsp butter, egg, sweeteners, vitáfiber ánd vánillá for 2min. DSC_0134
  2. In á sepáráte bowl, microwáve your chocoláte-chips ánd the 1 tsp of butter in 30s increments until melted.DSC_0139
  3. Beát the melted chocoláte into your egg/butter mixture until smooth.DSC_0143
  4. Stir in the rest of the dry ingredients just until combined ánd then fold in the pecáns ánd the finál tbsp of chocoláte-chips.DSC_0156
  5. Pláce your bátter in the freezer for 7-8min ánd preheát your oven to 350*.
  6. DSC_0163
  7. Spráy or greáse á lárge báking sheet with oil.
  8. Drop the bátter by heáping tbsp’s onto the cookie sheet.DSC_0196
  9. Lightly flátten eách with the báck of án oiled spoon.
  10. Báke for 8-10min. (The should still be á bit soft when they come out! Do not over-báke)
  11. Let the cookies sit on the tráy to cool for 10-15 min before moving onto á wire ráck.
  12. Enjoy immediátely or store in án áir-tight contáiner on the counter or in the freezer for á quick snáck láter on!DSC_0244

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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