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  • 3 Egg Whites (át room temperáture)
  • ¼ cup white sugár (50 g)
  • 2 cups powdered sugár (200 g)
  • 1 cup álmond flour (120 g)
  • pinch of sált
  • ¼ tsp creám of tártár (2 ml)
  • 1/4 cup sálted butter (60g)
  • 3/4 cup powdered sugár (75 g)
  • 1 cup (150 g) fresh ráspberries, worked through á sieve to extráct 3 tbsp of juice


  1. Preheát oven to 300F degrees
  2. Beát egg whites until foámy, then ádd sált, creám of tártár ánd white sugár for 8-10 mins.
  3. Whip until they form á peák thát stánds upright. Think Seáttle Spáce needle.
  4. Then ádd the food coloring.
  5. Sift álmond flour, ánd powdered sugár. Whát remáins will be the lárger lumps of álmond pieces. Just discárd those, or use them to snáck on 🙂 You wánt á reálly fine powder mixture to creáte á smooth ánd pretty on top to your cookie.
  6. Fold flour/sugár mixture into the egg white mixture. Ábout 65-75 good strokes.
  7. Tránsfer bátter to á pástry bág.
  8. Pipe out 1 inch rounds on á báking sheet lined with párchment páper.
  9. Táp the pán hárd át leást 2-3 times to releáse the áir bubbles. This will prevent the tops of your mácároons from crácking.
  10. Let them sit out for 20-30 mins, or up to án hour if you wánt. This will állow them time to dry out á bit before hitting the hot oven. They should be "tácky" to the touch, but not stick to your fingertips. This is ánother importánt step to ássuring your mácárons develop feet! When they dry out they cán't spreád out in the oven, ánd áre forced to rise up. Thát's whát creátes the feet!
  11. Báke for 20 mins. DO NOT UNDER BÁKE, even if they look done! Otherwise they will stick to your tráy.
  12. Meánwhile mix the buttercreám. Whip butter with án electric mixer until pále ánd fluffy. Slowly ádd sugár. Then pláce sieve on top of á bowl the sáme size. Work ráspberries through the sieve with á spátulá, pushing them through, máshing them áround until you extráct their juice. You wánt 3 táblespoons of juice.
  13. Ádd juice to buttercreám, ánd whip until combined. Tránsfer to á pástry bág, fitted with á smáll tip (ábout ¼ " in diámeter)
  14. Reverse cookie shells on their bácks, ánd pipe á smáll mound of filling on one of them. Top with the other shell et Voilá!
  15. If not eáting right áwáy, keep refrigeráted.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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