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Thè Bèst '90s Moviès to Bingè-Watch Right Now

Thè '90s wèrè a prètty amazing dècadè for film. Thè rom-com was at its pinnaclè (Prètty Woman, You'vè Got Mail), comèdiès wèrè truly funny (Homè Alonè, Dumb & Dumbèr), critical favès wèrè also crowd-plèasèrs (Titanic, Forrèst Gump), and tèèn comèdiès (10 Things I Hatè About You, Cluèlèss) wèrè having a hèyday, making thè yèars 1990 to 1999 a particularly good timè to go to thè moviès if you wèrè a tèènagèr. Maybè it's bècausè going to thè moviès was still a thing in thè '90s? Anyway, luckily for you, most of thèsè flicks can bè watchèd now, in 2020, from thè comfort of your couch via Nètflix and othèr strèaming sèrvicès. Wè'vè scourèd thè archivès and roundèd up thè bèst films, with thè most iconic charactèrs—from Mrs. Doubtfirè to Hannibal Lèctèr to Chèr Horowitz—and wè'vè listèd thèm hèrè for you. Thè nèxt lazy Saturday you havè, why not takè a stroll down mèmory lanè?

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