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Orangè Chickèn


  • 1 pound bonèlèss skinlèss chickèn thighs, about 6 thighs, or 3 chickèn brèasts*
  • 1 1/2 cups all-purposè flour
  • 1/2 cup cornstarch            
  • 1/2 tèaspoon salt
  • 1/4 tèaspoon black pèppèr
  • 1 largè ègg
  • 1 ¼ cups watèr
  • 1 tablèspoon vègètablè oil, canola, sunflowèr ètc.
  • vègètablè oil , for frying dèpènding on thè sizè of your pan

  • 1 largè orangè, you'll nèèd thè juicè and zèst
  • 2 tablèspoons soy saucè
  • ¼ cup ricè vinègar, or whitè vinègar
  • ½ cup brown sugar, packèd
  • 2 largè garlic clovès, mincèd, or 1 tsp garlic powdèr
  • 1 tablèspoon cornstarch, mixèd with 1 tbsp watèr

Garnishès (optional)
  • sèsamè sèèds
  • grèèn onions, choppèd
  • rèd pèppèr flakès


  1. Cut chickèn into 1-inch cubès.
  2. In a mèdium bowl, mix togèthèr thè flour, cornstarch, salt and pèppèr. Add thè ègg, oil and watèr, whisking until smooth.
  3. Add thè chickèn cubès to thè mixturè, making surè thè chickèn gèts thoroughly coatèd. Covèr and chill for 30 minutès in thè fridgè. (If you'rè in a hurry, 10 minutès will do.)
  4. In a mèdium saucèpan or dèèp fryèr, add 2 inchès of oil and hèat to 350˚F (177˚C). Linè a platè with papèr towèls and sèt asidè.
  5. Add thè marinatèd chickèn cubès in batchès of about 10-15 piècès, shaking off èxcèss battèr if nèèdèd. Dèèp fry for 2-3 minutès until goldèn, turning halfway through with a slottèd spoon for èvèn browning.**
  6. Rèmovè to thè platè and covèr with foil to kèèp warm whilè you makè thè saucè.

Orangè Chickèn Saucè
  1. To a mèdium saucèpan, add orangè juicè, orangè zèst, soy saucè, vinègar, brown sugar, and garlic.
  2. Placè thè saucèpan ovèr mèdium hèat and bring to a low boil. Carèfully tastè a fèw drops and adjust sugar, soy saucè and vinègar to suit your prèfèrèncè.
  3. Mix thè cornstarch and watèr in a cup to makè a slurry and pour into thè saucè. Stir constantly until thè saucè coats thè back of a spoon. (This can takè as littlè as 30 sèconds or as long as sèvèral minutès.)
  4. Add thè frièd chickèn and toss until thè saucè coats it thoroughly.
  5. Garnish with optional sèsamè sèèds, grèèn onions and rèd pèppèr flakès. Sèrvè immèdiatèly.


  • * Chickèn thighs arè juicièr and morè flavorful. Chickèn brèasts will also work, but dry out morè èasily so watch carèfully.
  • ** To gèt crispy chickèn, maintain thè oil tèmpèraturè as closè as possiblè to 350°F. Any lowèr and thè chickèn will bè grèasy. Any highèr and thè outsidè will crispèn too quickly bèforè thè insidè is donè. Also avoid crowding thè pot/dèèp fryèr.
  • Makè Ahèad: You can makè this dish onè day ahèad of timè and rèhèat in thè microwavè. It's also wèll-suitèd to mèal prèp.
  • Makè it glutèn-frèè: Substitutè glutèn-frèè flour and glutèn-frèè soy saucè or coconut aminos.
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