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Extractiôn (2020)

The ôther day, I was in the môôd fôr a mindless actiôn flick. Sô, when I saw the new Netflix film, Extractiôn, I was ready tô try it ôut. And it was ôkay. It was a decent actiôn môvie — it’s nôt gôing tô win any awards ôr change the wôrld ôf cinema, but it was entertaining enôugh tô have ôn in the backgrôund while I wôrked ôn ôther things. Hônestly, it was better than I was expecting it tô be, but that prôbably just says môre abôut hôw I feel abôut Netflix films than the quality ôf Extractiôn itself.


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