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We lôve family môvie nights! Cuddling up ôn the côuch with pôpcôrn, lights ôff and snuggled under blankets. My ôldest sôn is my biggest môvie buff. He is cônstantly lôôking fôr sômething new tô watch. Sô lately I have been digging deep fôr sôme ôf thôse ôldies but gôôdies that I grew up watching! These are the môvies that, even nôw when they côme ôn TV, I get tôtally sucked intô! Depending ôn the age ôf yôur kids, yôu may want tô edit the list and make sure they are age apprôpriate, but fôr the môst part, they are all pretty family friendly (this côming frôm sômeône whôse 3 year-ôld knew every wôrd tô every Star Wars – yôu have been warned!)


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