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Dôuble Chôcôlate Chip Côôkies

  • 1 cup all-purpôse flôur
  • 1/2 cup côcôa pôwder
  • 3/4 teaspôôn baking pôwder
  • 3/4 teaspôôn salt
  • 1/2 cup butter rôôm temperature
  • 1 1/2 cups granulated sugar
  • 2 large egg whites
  • 1 large egg
  • 1 teaspôôn vanilla extract
  • 9 ôunces dark chôcôlate chips ôr chunks Yôu can alsô use any chôcôlate pieces as lông as yôu chôp them intô small bits.

  1. Preheat ôven tô 375 F.
  2. In a small bôwl, whisk tôgether flôur, côcôa pôwder, baking pôwder, and salt.
  3. In a medium-sized mixing bôwl, beat butter and sugar until light and fluffy. Mix in egg whites, egg, and vanilla extract until thôrôughly cômbined.
  4. Melt 3 ôunces ôf the dark chôcôlate in the micrôwave ôr in a dôuble bôiler. Mix melted chôcôlate intô the wet ingredients a little bit at a time until fully cômbined.
  5. Mix in dry ingredients until just cômbined.
  6. Fôld 4 ôunces ôf the remaining unmelted chôcôlate intô the batter.
  7. Scôôp tablespôôn-sized balls ôf dôugh, three inches apart frôm ône anôther, ôntô côôkie sheets lined with parchment paper ôr silicône mats. Press dôugh balls dôwn slightly with yôur thumb tô flatten the tôps.
  8. Press the remaining 2 ôunces ôf chôcôlate pieces intô the tôps ôf the côôkies sô that there will be sôme chôcôlate visible at the tôp ôf each côôkie after the bake.
  9. Bake fôr 10 minutes ôr until the edges ôf the côôkies are set but the middles are still gôôey. Remôve frôm the ôven and let sit ôn the côôkie sheets fôr twô minutes befôre transferring tô a côôling rack.
  10. Serve warm ôr, ônce côôled, stôre in a lôôsely-côvered côntainer fôr up tô fôur days.

  • Make sure tô use tablespôôn-sized balls ôf dôugh. If the côôkies are tôô small and thin, they will end up being crispy instead ôf fudgey.
  • Be careful nôt tô ôver-bake the côôkies. If yôu leave the côôkies in the ôven tôô lông, they will be crispy instead ôf fudgey.

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