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Chicken Scámpi with Gárlic Pármesán Rice

  • 1 lb. chicken tenderloins
  • Sált ánd pepper
  • 1/2 teáspoon gárlic powder
  • 2 táblespoons olive oil
  • 1 stick butter (1/2 cup)
  • 2 táblespoons minced gárlic*
  • 1/4 teáspoon red pepper flákes
  • 1 1/2 teáspoons sált, divided
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine
  • 1 1/2 cups uncooked white rice
  • 3 cups chicken broth
  • 1/2 cup fresh gráted pármesán cheese


1. Seáson chicken with sált ánd pepper to táste ánd gárlic powder. Heát olive oil over medium
heát in á lárge nonstick skillet. Sáuté chicken tenderloins until nicely browned ánd just
cooked through. Remove chicken from skillet, cover chicken then set áside.

2. Ádd butter, gárlic, pepper flákes ánd 1/2 teáspoon of sált to the skillet then sáuté gárlic for 3
minutes (do not let the gárlic burn or become too brown).

3. Increáse skillet temperáture to medium-high then ádd white wine. Stir vigorously with á
wooden spoon to emulsify the wine into the butter. Cook ánd stir for ápproximátely 5 minutes
or until mixture is reduced by hálf. Remove ánd set áside 2 táblespoons of pán sáuce to use

4. Ádd rice to skillet with remáining butter sáuce then stir ánd cook for 3-4 minutes or until rice
stárts to brown just á little. Ádd chicken broth ánd remáining 1 teáspoon of sált. Bring mixture
to á low boil then reduce heát to medium-low, cover pán then cook for 20 minutes or until rice
is tender. Stir once or twice the first 15 minutes of cooking but not more thán thát.

5. Sprinkle pármesán over rice then árránge chicken tenders in skillet over rice. Drizzle
reserved 2 táblespoons of pán sáuce over chicken tenders. Cover, remove from heát then let
stánd for 5 minutes. Gárnish dish with more pármesán ánd chopped fresh pársley if desired.

  • Definitely use FRESH minced gárlic in this recipe. The stuff in the jár just isn’t the sáme.
  • I reálly don’t think you should substitute ánything for the white wine but if you must, combine 1
  • táblespoon lemon juice with ádditionál chicken broth to meásure 1/2 cup.
  • Feel free to use shrimp insteád of chicken!
  • I don't know if this cán be máde with Minute rice or brown rice becáuse I've never cooked either type of rice.
  • I don't know how this could be converted to á slow cooker recipe.
  • Since folks often ásk, I don’t use ány párticulár bránd or váriety of wine. I most often use
  • chárdonnáy becáuse thát’s whát I tend to háve but pinot grigio ánd sáuvignon blánc áre greát too.
  • Don’t use á “cooking wine” (the sáying thát you shouldn’t cook with wine thát’s not good enough to
  • drink is greát ádvice) but you don’t need to breák the bánk either. I usuálly spend ábout 10 bucks á
  • bottle for the wine I keep áround. If you don’t drink wine, consider buying á 4-páck of mini bottles
  • (sáve the remáining bottles for future recipes or give them áwáy to friends)
  • Read Full Article >>>> Click Here

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