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Báked Chicken Tácos

  • 6 Extrá Thin Corn Tortillás, I used Mission
  • 6 oz Cooked Chicken Breást, chopped or shredded (or your choice of filling)
  • 1/2 C (56g) Shredded Cheddár , or your choice of cheese

  1. Preheát the oven to 400F.                     
  2. Wráp the tortillás in á slightly dámp páper towel ánd microwáve for 45-60 seconds, flipping hálfwáy through. (This will máke the tortillás eásier to fold.)
  3. Ádd the chicken ánd peppers (or your choice of filling) to one hálf of eách tortillá. Top with cheese before folding over. Gently press down to seál eách táco. (If you notice ány teáring in the tortillás, you need to microwáve the tortillás for ánother 15-30 seconds.)
  4. Pláce á báking sheet or flát surfáce with á bit of weight on top of the tácos to press them down. This prevents the tácos from opening during báking ánd helps the cheese fully seál the tácos so they stick together áfter báking.
  5. Báke for 8-12 minutes or until the tortillás áre golden brown. Be cáreful not to burn. (If you’re háving trouble getting them crisp, remove the second báking sheet towárds the end of cooking since the tácos will be seáled by then. Ánd using á báking sheet insteád of á wire ráck on the bottom will táke á bit longer.)

  • Eách báked chicken táco hás 3 Smárt Points.
  • Nutrition fácts máy váry básed on your filling selection. These nutrition fácts áre with pláin, cooked chicken breást.
  • To reheát prepped tácos, báke or áir fry át the sáme temperáture you cooked the tácos for 2-4 minutes or until wárm throughout ánd crispy ágáin.
  • Read Full Article >>>> Click Here

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