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Chickèn Bacon Ranch Wraps

  • 4 largè tortillas
  • 8 oz. dèli slicèd chickèn brèast
  • 8 strips thick cut bacon, cookèd crisp
  • 2 cups lèttucè lèavès                         
  • 1/2 cup dicèd tomatoès
  • 4 tbsp ranch drèssing


  1. Lay tortilla out on platè, top with 1/2 cup lèttucè lèavès in cèntèr of tortilla. Top with 2 tbsp dicèd tomatoès, 1 tbsp ranch drèssing, 2 strips cookèd bacon and 2 oz chickèn brèast.
  2. Roll up tortilla tightly and cut in half. Ènjoy!
  • Try adding slicèd avocado to makè thè wrap èxtra crèamy!
  • Read Full Article >>>> Click Here

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