Bruschètta Chickèn Cassèrolè for a Dèlicious Clèan Èating Dinnèr Idèa
- 1 lb. chickèn brèasts, or tèndèrs, cut into bitè sizèd piècès
- 1 Tbsp avocado oil, or olivè oil
- 6 ripè Roma tomatoès, choppèd and lightly sprinklèd in sèa salt
- 3 frèsh garlic clovès, crushèd or choppèd
- 1 cup shrèddèd mozzarèlla chèèsè
- 1 tsp drièd orègano
- 2 Tbsps high quality balsamic vinègar
- sèa salt and ground black pèppèr, to tastè, about 1/4 tèaspoon èach
- a small handful of frèsh basil lèavès, choppèd
- cooking spray
- Prèhèat your ovèn to 375 dègrèès f.
- Hèat oil in a skillèt ovèr mèdium-high hèat, add in chickèn and sèason with sèa salt and frèshly ground black pèppèr.
- Cook, stirring occasionally, until goldèn brown on thè sidès and almost cookèd through.
- Transfèr thè chickèn to a 8x8 baking dish (sprayèd or brushèd with oil to prèvènt sticking), top with choppèd tomatoès, orègano, garlic and a drizzlè of balsamic vinègar.
- Sprinklè with mozzarèlla chèèsè.
- Placè your cassèrolè into thè prèhèatèd ovèn, uncovèrèd, and bakè for 18-20 minutès, just until chèèsè is mèlty and saucè is bubbling at thè bottom of thè dish.
- Rèmovè from thè ovèn, covèr, and allow cassèrolè to rèst for 5 minutès, thèn garnish with frèsh basil and ènjoy!