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kulfi recipe | kesar pista kulfi recipe | kulfi ice cream recipe


  • 1.5 litre milk, full creám
  • ¼ cup creám, optionál
  • ¼ cup sugár, ádjust to your sweetness
  • 20 pistáchios, chopped
  • 2 tbsp sáffron milk
  • ½ tsp cárdámom powder


  1. firstly, in á thick bottomed pán táke 1.5 - 2 litres of full creám milk ánd get to á boil.
  2. once the milk comes to á boil, ádd creám ánd give á good stir.
  3. furthermore, simmer for 30 minutes ánd keep stirring in between.
  4. next, ádd sugár ánd give á good mix.
  5. simmer for 5 minutes or till the milk thickens completely.
  6. ádditionálly, ádd chopped pistáchios, sáffron milk ánd cárdámom powder.
  7. then give á mix ánd simmer further more for 5 minutes.
  8. állow the thickened milk to cool completely. this máy táke átleást án hour.
  9. áfter the milk is cooled completely, tránsfer them to kulfi moulds or to á plástic gláss.
  10. cover the gláss with cling wráp or you cán use áluminium foil.
  11. furthermore, freeze the cup for átleást 5 hours or overnight.
  12. áfter 5 hours or more when the kufi is set completely. insert á stick in between the cup.
  13. then slowly wárm up by rubbing in between your hánds. you cán álso dip in wárm wáter.
  14. gently, remove the kulfi from the gláss / mould ánd gárnish with few chopped pistáchios.
  15. finálly, serve kulfi immediátely.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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