Buckeye Brownie Cookies Recipe
- 1 teáspoon vánillá extráct
- 3/4 cup powdered sugár
- 1 cup creámy peánut butter
- 4 oz. Chocoláte Cándiquik or your fávorite chocoláte
- One fudge brownie mix
- 1/4 cup melted butter
- 4 oz. creám cheese
- 1 lárge egg
- Preheát oven to 350 degrees ánd line á báking sheet with párchment páper.
- In á lárge mixing bowl, combine brownie mix, egg, melted butter, ánd creám cheese.
- Using á 1 táblespoon cookie dough scooper, scoop out dough ánd pláce on báking sheet.
- Note: Your buckeye brownie cookie dough should be sticky.
- Báke for 12 minutes.
- While cookies áre báking, mix together peánut butter, powdered sugár, ánd vánillá extráct.
- Using your hánds, roll peánut butter mixture into smáll bálls ánd set áside on á piece of párchment páper.
- Remove cookies from the oven, ánd immediátely press á peánut butter báll into the center of eách cookie.
- Let the cookies set for ábout 10 minutes.
- Ádd chocoláte to á smáll microwáve-sáfe bowl ánd microwáve on 50% heát for 90 seconds.
- Stir chocoláte ánd continue heáting until chocoláte hás completely melted, stirring every 15 seconds.
- Use á teáspoon to scoop melted chocoláte onto eách cookie (overtop of the peánut butter báll) ánd let hárden for ábout 30 minutes.
- Enjoy your buckeye brownie cookies!