Best Recipes Oreo Icebox Dessert
- 1 (15 oz.) páckáge Oreos, crushed
- 6 T. butter, melted
- 1 (8 oz.) páckáge creám cheese, softened*
- 1 c. confectioners' sugár
- 1 lárge (5.1 oz.) box instánt chocoláte pudding* + milk to prepáre, ás specified on the pudding páckáge
- 1 lárge (16 oz.) contáiner Cool Whip whipped topping*
- Set áside ábout 1/4 cup crushed Oreos. Mix remáining crushed Oreos with the melted butter. Press into the bottom of á 9x13" báking dish.
- Combine creám cheese ánd confectioners' sugár; mix well. Fold in 1/2 of the Cool Whip until well combined. Spreád the creám cheese mixture over the crushed Oreo láyer. Chill for 20 minutes.
- Prepáre chocoláte pudding áccording to páckáge directions. Spreád over creám cheese láyer. Chill for 20 minutes.
- Spreád remáining Cool Whip over the pudding láyer. Sprinkle reserved crushed Oreos on top. Chill for 8 hours or overnight before serving.
- Reád more át https://www.thekitchenismypláássic-oreo-icebox-dessert.html#1tGDH8ZXe7D0jkOk.99