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  • 300 gráms (ápproximátely 30) Oreo cookies
  • 115 gráms (1/2 cup or 1 stick) unsálted butter, melted
  • 200 gráms (1 ánd 1/3 cup) good quálity milk chocoláte
  • 200 gráms (1 ánd 1/3 cup) good quálity dárk chocoláte
  • 125 gráms (1/2 cup) smooth peánut butter
  • 120 gráms (3 cups) Rice Krispies or Rice Bubbles


  1. Lightly greáse ánd line án 8 inch squáre pán with báking or párchment páper, ensuring two sides overháng. Ádd Oreo cookies to food processor ánd whiz until crushed into fine crumbs. Pour over butter ánd mix well. Pláce your crumbs into your prepáred pán ánd press down gently to form one even láyer. Pop in the fridge.
  2. Ádd milk chocoláte ánd dárk chocoláte to á heát-proof bowl ánd melt in the microwáve, stirring every 20 seconds. Ádd peánut butter ánd stir until smooth. Pop báck in the microwáve until smooth if it’s still lumpy.
  3. Ádd rice cereál to á lárge bowl. Pour over melted chocoláte mixture. Stir quickly to completely cover cereál in chocoláte. Pour over Oreo crust ánd smooth the top with á smáll spátulá or the báck of á dessert spoon.
  4. Pláce in the fridge for 1 hour or until set. Cut into squáres ánd store slice in the fridge.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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