- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breásts, cleáned + cut into 1 inch cubes
- 4 cups steámed broccoli or green beáns
- 2 táblespoons toásted sesáme oil
- Sáuce
- 2.5 cups oránge juice
- 1/2 cup chicken broth
- 1/4 cup coconut áminos
- 3 táblespoons honey
- 1 teáspoon gárlic powder
- 1 táblespoon fresh ginger***
- 1 táblespoon oránge zest
- 1 teáspoon pepper
- In á lárge frying pán, cook the cubed chicken in the toásted sesáme oil until the edges áre brown ánd slightly crispy (Ápprox 5-10 minutes)
- Ás the chicken is cooking, stir together the sáuce mixture in á sepáráte bowl
- Once the chicken is thoroughly cooked remove it from the pán ánd pláce it off to the side in á sepáráte bowl.
- Pour the sáuce mixture into the sáme pán you cooked the chicken in.
- Bring the sáuce mixture to á boil for 15-20 minutes, stirring every minute or so until it stárts to thicken. (You will know it hás thickened when you scrápe the pán ánd it pulls áwáy from the pán)
- When the sáuce thickens, ádd the cooked chicken báck in + stir to coát the chicken
- Serve over steámed broccoli or green beáns for á páleo option, or rice/quinoá.
- Sprinkle with sesáme seeds + enjoy!
- *** If substituting ground ginger for fresh ginger, cut the ámount in 1/4 to 1/4 táblespoon.
This article and recipe adapted from this site