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‘Tis the seasòn tò be spòòky! Nòw that Hallòween is appròaching, we can’t wait fòr all the classic films that will be gracing òur TV screens. We dòn’t knòw abòut yòu, but there’s sòmething abòut being spòòked that truly gets us in the fall spirit!  Tòday òn IBT, we’ve gathered a list òf mòvies we’ll have òn cònstant replay this seasòn. While sòme òf us claim hòrròr tò be òur middle name, there are òthers that just lòve cheesy mòvies that always end in a happy ending. Luckily, we’re sharing all that, and then sòme! Fròm icònic Tim Burtòn features tò edge-òf-the-seat mòvies that’ll make yòu secònd guess leaving yòur lights òn when yòu sleep, this list is definitely sòmething tò keep in mind fòr yòur mòvie bucket list. Sò keep calm and scròll òn– with cautiòn as sòme mòvie phòtòs are slightly creepier than òthers!

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