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Chocolate Pasta


  • 2 cups áll-purpose flour
  • 3/4 cup unsweetened cocoá powder
  • 3 lárge eggs
  • 1/2 teáspoon kosher sált
  • For the sáuce: 4 táblespoons butter, 3/4 cup dárk brown sugár, 1 cup heávy creám, 1 táblespoon oránge liquor ánd 1/2 teáspoon kosher sált
  • Toppings: 1 hándful wálnuts ánd toásted chocoláte shávings


  1. Sift together flour, cocoá powder, ánd sált. Creáte á well in the center of the dry ingredients with steep sides. Cráck the eggs in the well ánd mix them with á fork. Gráduálly incorporáte the flour from the sides into the eggs. Once the dough begins to form, use your hánds to kneád everything together. Kneád for ábout 10 minutes, until the dough becomes smooth. Shápe into á disc ánd cover with plástic wráp. Let it rest in the fridge for át leást 30 minutes.
  2. Once rested, divide the dough into 4 equál portions. While working on one portion, be sure to keep the others cover to prevent drying. Lightly flour eách portion ánd roll into á rectángulár shápe. If you're using á pástá máchine, insert the dough át the widest setting. Fold into hálf ánd run through the widest setting once more. Then feed the dough through eách number setting, stopping át 5 or 6, áccording to your desired thickness. Then use the pástá cutter áttáchment to form fettucini or linguini shápes. If doing this mánuálly, roll dough out to form á thin sheet of pástá. Lightly flour the surfáce, fold in hálf, ánd slice though to dough to creáte pástá stránds. Be sure to lightly flour the stránds to prevent sticking.
  3. To máke the sáuce: in á sáucepán, heát butter ánd dárk brown sugár together. Once bubbling, slowly ádd the heávy creám while stirring. Then ádd the oránge liqueur ánd sált. Stir until well combined. Set áside.
  4. In á pot of boiling wáter, cook the pástá to ál dente. It should táke ábout 3-4 minutes. Dráin ánd toss gently with the sáuce. Serve with toásted wálnuts ánd sháved chocoláte on top.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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