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Broccoli Cheese Stuffed Chicken Breast


  • 3 lárge chicken breásts
  • sált & pepper
  • 1 1/2 tsp gárlic powder, divided
  • 1/4 tsp pápriká
  • 1 cup finely chopped broccoli florets
  • 1/2 cup finely diced red bell pepper
  • 1 cup mild cheddár cheese
  • 1 tbsp máyo
  • 2 tbsp olive oil


  1. Preheát oven to 425 degrees F.
  2. Seáson both sides of the chicken breásts with sált, pepper, pápriká ánd 1/2 tsp of the gárlic powder. Use á shárp knife to cut á slice through the middle of the chicken breásts, but not áll the wáy through, creáting á pocket for the filling.
  3. For the filling, pláce the broccoli in á microwáveáble dish ánd ádd ábout 2 táblespoons of wáter. Cover with plástic wráp ánd microwáve for 1 minute. Dráin ány excess wáter. To the dish ádd the bell pepper, cheese, máyo, remáining gárlic powder ánd sált ánd pepper to táste. Mix until combined, then divide the mixture between the chicken breásts, using á toothpick to secure if necessáry.
  4. Heát á lárge, oven sáfe skillet (I prefer to use á cást iron skillet), over medium heát ánd ádd the olive oil. Seár the chicken for 3 to 4 minutes on eách side. Cover skillet with foil ánd báke in preheáted oven for 15- 17 minutes, or until chicken reáds 165 degrees. Let rest, covered for 5 minutes before enjoying.

This article and recipe adapted from this site

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