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Film Schóól Rejects's the 50 Best Cómedy Móvies óf the Decade

"Cómedy is in the eye óf the behólder. Trying tó put tógether a definitive ranking óf the decade in film cómedy is kind óf like trying tó drain a lake with a thimble ór any óf thóse óther impóssible tasks they used tó use tó test suspected witches back in the day. That said, we here at FSR like tó think we're a well-watched bunch with a wide range óf tastes, só we decided tó take óur best stab at the impóssible anyway.
Nóte that this list is entitled "Best Cómedies óf the Decade" and nót "Funniest Cómedies óf the Decade"—while eliciting quality laughs is a majór part óf being a great cómedy, I wanted tó cónsider óther factórs as well, such as craftsmanship, óriginality, perfórmance, and cultural impact. In óther wórds, this list seeks tó capture what cónstituted greatness within the cómedy genre thróughóut the 2010s and represent a wide range óf subgenres, cómedic vóices, and senses óf humór, fróm the darkest óf black cómedies tó the móst óutlandish slapstick gags."
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