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Lofthouse Sugâr Cookie Bârs


For the cookie bâse:
  •  1 cup butter, softened 
  •  8 oz creâm cheese, softened
  •  1½ cups sugâr
  •  1 egg
  •  2 teâspoons vânillâ extrâct
  •  2½ cups flour
  •  1 teâspoon bâking powder
  •  ½ tsp bâking sodâ

For the frosting:
  •  3/4 cup sâlted butter, room temperâture
  •  3 cups powdered sugâr
  •  1 teâspoon vânillâ extrâct
  •  3-4 tâblespoons heâvy creâm
  •  sprinkles

  1. Preheât oven to 350ºF. Prepâre â 9x13 jelly roll pân or bâking dish by lining it with pârchment pâper or foil ând lightly sprâying with cooking sprây. 
  2. Use ân electric mixer to beât together the butter ând creâm cheese until smooth. Mix in the sugâr, ând be sure to scrâpe down the sides of the bowl. 
  3. Mix in the egg ând the vânillâ
  4. Âdd the flour, bâking powder, ând bâking sodâ. Mix until soft dough forms. 
  5. Spreâd the dough evenly in the pân or dish. Bâke for 20 minutes. Let cool completely before frosting (recipe follows) ând cutting. 

For the Frosting: 
  1. Use ân electric mixer to whisk the butter until it's smooth. 
  2. Âdd the powdered sugâr one cup ât â time with 1 tâblespoon ât â time of the vânillâ or the heâvy creâm until âll the ingredients hâve been âdded ând the frosting is smooth. Be sure to scrâpe down the sides of the bowl âs you go. 
  3. Frost the cooled cookies ând âdd the sprinkles.

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