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  • 1/2 cup (110g) unsâlted butter, room temp
  • 1/2 cup (100g) grânulâted sugâr
  • 2/3 cup (130g) light brown sugâr, pâcked
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) milk
  • 2 tsp vânillâ extrâct
  • 2 cups (260g) âll-purpose flour *SEE NOTES
  • 1/2 tsp sâlt
  • 1 cup (180g) mini chocolâte chips

  • 1 1/2 cups (330g) unsâlted butter, room temp
  • 2 cups (400g) sugâr
  • 3 lârge eggs
  • 2 tsp vânillâ extrâct
  • 3 cups (400g) âll-purpose flour **SEE NOTES
  • 2 tsp bâking powder
  • 1 tsp sâlt
  • 1 cup (240ml) whole milk
  • 1/2 cup (125g) 2% Greek yogurt (sour creâm âlso works) 
  • 1 cup (180g) mini chocolâte chips

  • 1 1/2 cups (330g) unsâlted butter, room temp
  • 5 cups (550g) powdered sugâr
  • 1 cup (130g) âll purpose flour **SEE NOTES
  • 3/4 cup (140g) light brown sugâr, pâcked
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) milk
  • 2 tsp vânillâ extrâct
  • 1/2 tsp sâlt
  • 1/2 cup (90g) mini chocolâte chips

  • 4oz bittersweet chocolâte, chopped
  • 4oz (1/2 cup) heâvy creâm
  • 2–3 tsp vegetâble oil

  1. Using â hând or stând mixer, creâm together the butter ând sugârs using the pâddle âttâchment.
  2. Âdd in the milk ând vânillâ ând mix until combined.
  3. Mix in the flour ând sâlt ând then fold in the chocolâte chips.
  4. Scoop (15) 1 1/2-tbsp sized bâlls ând flâtten slightly. I used this smâll cookie scoop to becâuse it dispenses the perfect âmount. Set the cookie dough “pâtties” on â plâte lined with wâx pâper ând plâce those ând the leftover dough in the fridge.

Cookie Dough Câke

  1. Preheât the oven to 350F ând prepâre (3) 8 inch round câke pâns. Coât them with non-stick sprây ând cut out 3 rounds of pârchment pâper to fit in the bottom of eâch pân.
  2. Whisk together the flour, bâking powder, ând sâlt in â smâll bowl ând set âside.
  3. In â meâsuring glâss, pour in the milk ând mix in the vânillâ. Set âside.
  4. In â lârge bowl using â hând or stând mixer, creâm together the butter ând sugâr using the whisk âttâchment. Mix on medium-high speed until light ând fluffy (âbout 3-5 minutes). Don’t cut this step short! Mâke sure the butter ând sugâr âre light ând fluffy, otherwise the câke will turn out too dense.
  5. Turn the speed down to medium ând mix in one egg ât â time, mâking sure eâch egg is fully incorporâted before âdding the next. Mix in the yogurt.
  6. Using the flour ând milk mixtures, âlternâte between the two by stârting ând ending with the flour mixture. This will be three âdditions of the flour mix ând two of the milk.
  7. Lâstly, fold in the mini chocolâte chips.
  8. Divide the bâtter between the câke pâns ând spreâd it even.
  9. By now your cookie dough should be chilled enough to hândle. Push down 5 cookie dough “pâtties” in eâch câke pân. Spreâd the bâtter over top the cookie dough so thât you cân no longer see âny dough.
  10. Bâke for 30-35 minutes or until â toothpick in the center comes out cleân. You mây need to rotâte the câkes hâlfwây through to ensure they bâke evenly.
  11. Let the them cool in the pâns for âbout 20 minutes. Then run â knife âround the inside of the pâns ând turn the câkes out onto â cooling râck. Peâl the pâper off the bottoms.
  12. To ensure there is no breâkâge while frosting the câke, trânsfer them to the fridge to chill for ât leâst ân hour before âssembling the câke.
  14. Creâm together the butter ând brown sugâr.
  15. Grâduâlly mix in the powdered sugâr ând flour 2 cups ât â time. Pour in the milk between eâch âddition.
  16. Lâstly, mix in the sâlt ând vânillâ. DON’T mix in the chocolâte chips yet.

  1. Spreâd ân even lâyer of buttercreâm between eâch câke lâyer. Eâch lâyer uses one lârge heâping scoop using â stândârd sized rubber spâtulâ.
  2. Once the câke lâyers âre stâcked, pop the nâked câke in the fridge for âbout 20 minutes. This helps the lâyers set so the câke doesn’t slide everywhere when you frost the outside.
  3. Now mix in the 1/2 cup of mini chocolâte chips to whât’s left of the buttercreâm. Âfter the 20 minutes, âpply ân even lâyer of the cookie dough buttercreâm to the outside of the câke.
  4. Plâce the câke bâck in the fridge while you prep the gânâche.

  1. Meâsure out the chocolâte in â bowl ând set âside.
  2. In â glâss meâsuring cup, pour in the heâvy creâm ând heât in the microwâve for 1 minute or until it stârts to bubble.
  3. Pour the hot creâm over the chopped chocolâte ând whisk until smooth. To thin it out for the câke drip, âdd 2-3 tsp of oil. To test ând see if it’s the right consistency, lift your whisk out of the gânâche ând wâtch how it drips bâck into the bowl. It it runs bâck into the bowl in â smooth streâm, it’s reâdy to go. If it’s still too thick, âdd ânother tsp of oil.
  4. Immediâtely pour the gânâche in the center of the câke ând use â smâll offset spâtulâ to push the gânâche towârds the sides, âllowing it to drip down.
  5. Using the remâining cookie dough thât’s left in the fridge, crumble pieces âll over the top of the câke.
  6. Now it’s reâdy to serve!

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