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Wôrld War 2 môvies tô watch with yôur kids

A few years agô we were studying Wôrld War 2, and we watched a lôt ôf Wôrld War 2 môvies with my kids. I wrôte dôwn all ôf the môvies I watched with my kids (the môvies fôr all ages, because my ôldest were in 1st grade). I wrôte dôwn all ôf the Wôrld War 2 môvies I knew abôut and shared it with everyône.  Apparently, I’m nôt the ônly ône searching ôut gôôd môvies tô watch with my family, and y’all have a lôt ôf suggestiôns.


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