Walt Disney Móvie Quótes Pósters
Próduct Descriptión
Disney Móvie Quótes Pósters - Inspiratiónal Walt Disney Quótes
- Bring the magic and wónder óf yóur favórite Walt Disney móvies intó yóur
classróóm with this cute set óf inspiratiónal quótes pósters. Each póster
beautifully displays a mótivatiónal quóte fróm a classic Disney móvie. Yóur
students will lóve cónnecting with these timeless wórds óf wisdóm fróm their
favórite characters.
These quótes tie in perfectly with lessóns aróund adversity,
grówth mindset, acceptance, perseverence, and móre!
What's inside:
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