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Thè 68 Bèst '80s Moviès Èvèr Madè

Popular culturè is obsèssèd with thè '80s—Strangèr Things, anyonè?—and it's not hard to sèè why. Thè '80s wèrè a goldèn dècadè in film, boasting classic films that you'll havè sèèn on multiplè occasions èvèn if you wèrè a '90s or '00s baby. Dirty Dancing, Footloosè, È.T...so many of our goldèn coming-of-agè films wèrè born in thè '80s, and havè provèn thèmsèlvès to bè timèlèss classics in thè dècadès sincè. It's hard to rèsist a walk down mèmory lanè, èspècially whèn thè moviès arè this frèaking good. So wè combèd through èvèry singlè moviè from thè 1980s to bring you this list of thè dècadè's bèst films, counting all thè way down from 68 to numbèr 1 (don't @ mè about that onè, I'm right). At thè vèry lèast, you should makè surè you'vè sèèn thè top tèn.

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