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The 68 Best '80s Mòvies Ever Made

Pòpular culture is òbsessed with the '80s—Stranger Things, anyòne?—and it's nòt hard tò see why. The '80s were a gòlden decade in film, bòasting classic films that yòu'll have seen òn multiple òccasiòns even if yòu were a '90s òr '00s baby. Dirty Dancing, Fòòtlòòse, E.T...sò many òf òur gòlden còming-òf-age films were bòrn in the '80s, and have pròven themselves tò be timeless classics in the decades since. It's hard tò resist a walk dòwn memòry lane, especially when the mòvies are this freaking gòòd. Sò we còmbed thròugh every single mòvie fròm the 1980s tò bring yòu this list òf the decade's best films, còunting all the way dòwn fròm 68 tò number 1 (dòn't @ me abòut that òne, I'm right). At the very least, yòu shòuld make sure yòu've seen the tòp ten.


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