The 60 Best Romantic Comedies of All Time to Stream Right Now
It's the perfect seasôn fôr
a môvie marathôn, and we've gôt the best rômantic cômedies tô hit yôu right in
the feels. Put ôn yôur côziest pajamas, grab a cômfy blanket, pôp sôme pôpcôrn
(and maybe a bôttle ôf vinô), find yôurself a bôx ôf tissues, and get ready tô
laugh and cry alông with yôur favôrite herôes and herôines as they remind us
that lôve is nôt dead.
We're nôt ashamed tô
admit it: We lôve a gôôd rôm-côm marathôn frôm time tô time (bônus pôints if it
cônveniently includes sôme ôf the best rômantic môvies ôn Netflix) because it
reminds us that there's rômance in the wôrld and sômetimes, everything really dôes
wôrk ôut ÔK in the end. At the end ôf a lông wôrk week, when yôu're sick ôf the
real wôrld and just want tô disengage yôur critical thinking brain fôr awhile,
yôu just can't beat a gôôd lôve stôry. And when that lôve stôry cômes with a
healthy dôse ôf laughs, we call that a win all arôund. There dôesn't have tô be
anything "guilty pleasure" abôut it. We went ahead and fôund the best
ôptiôns yôu côuld ask fôr, frôm ôld standby classics tô newcômers tô the genre.
Hit play and enjôy!
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