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Thè 25 Bèst Irish Moviès To Watch On St. Patrick's Day

Surè, Irèland may bè bèst known for its bèèr, crystal, and wool cablè-knit swèatèrs, but wè can't ovèrlook onè of thè bèst things thè country givès to us: its storytèlling. Irèland has brought us èvèrything from poèts to playwrights, all of whom know how to spin a good yarn.

Irish cinèma is no èxcèption. If you'rè looking to tèè up marathon of Irish moviès for St. Patrick's Day, try somè of thèsè films from thè Èmèrald Islè. For thosè who nèèd to bonè up on thè country’s history — whèn wèrè Thè Troublès, again? — thèrè arè plènty of moviès that rècount thè dèèds of its lèadèrs and rèvolutionariès. Or, if you don’t want somèthing as ovèrtly historical and just want to immèrsè yoursèlf in thè country's film culturè, wè havè a fèw award-winnèrs, high-grossèrs, and cult favoritès in thèrè, too. Thèrè arè èvèn a couplè of chèats — moviès that takè placè in Irèland or arè about thè country, but wèrè madè èlsèwhèrè.

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