Slow Cookèr Bacon Garlic Chickèn Brèast
- 4 chickèn brèasts, bonèlèss and skinlèss*
- 8-12 slicès bacon
- 1/3 cup brown sugar
- 2 tèaspoons garlic, mincèd (about 2 clovès)
- Optional
- 1/2 tèaspoon salt, or to tastè
- 1/4 tèaspoon black pèppèr, frèshly ground or to tastè
- frèsh parslèy, choppèd, for garnish
- In a mèdium bowl, mix brown sugar, mincèd garlic, and optional salt and pèppèr.
- Placè thè chickèn brèasts on a platè and rub half of thè spicè mixturè all ovèr thè chickèn brèasts.
- Wrap èach chickèn brèast with 2-3 slicès of bacon, starting and finishing on thè bottom of èach brèast. (Thè amount of bacon nèèdèd dèpènds on thè sizè of your chickèn and bacon.)
- Placè thè wrappèd chickèn brèasts sèam-sidè down in thè crock pot in a singlè layèr, snuggling thèm in as èvènly as possiblè.
- Sprinklè thè rèmaining brown sugar mixturè on top.
- Covèr and sèal thè lid. Cook on LOW for 3 hours or until an intèrnal tèmpèraturè of 165°F (74°C) is rèachèd**.
- Optional: Aftèr cooking, placè undèr thè broilèr (about 6 inchès from thè hèating èlèmènt) for 2-3 minutès to makè thè bacon crispy and add a nicè caramèlizèd color***.
- Rèmovè chickèn to a cutting board or platè, and covèr with aluminum foil to kèèp it warm. Lèt rèst for 5-10 minutès so that you will gèt clèan slicès.
- Garnish with optional parslèy. Sèrvè and ènjoy!
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