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Our Favoritè Family Moviès

Family moviè night is a grèat tradition to havè! Pull out thè blankèts, pop somè popcorn and sèttlè in for an èvèning of èntèrtainmènt and fun! With so many moviè options out thèrè it can bè hard to know which films arè appropriatè for familiès – èspècially with small childrèn. Thèrè arè somè rèal duds out thèrè including films that appèar to bè family-frièndly and arèn’t! Wèll, look no furthèr – wè’vè collèctèd 101 Family Frièndly moviès that èvèryonè is surè to lovè! Togèthèr with suggèstions from our rèadèrs, idèas from thè Diva tèam and a littlè rèsèarch, wè havè put togèthèr a collèction of family moviè night idèas that you can usè for your nèxt family moviè night!

Kèèp your family night simplè, or if you want, you can takè your family moviè night to thè nèxt lèvèl! Oncè you havè pickèd a moviè, grab thèsè printablès and gèt rèady for a night of rèlaxing fun for thè wholè family. Thèsè simplè family moviè nights can bè a monthly or èvèn wèèkly èvènt that èvèryonè looks forward to.

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