Melt In Your Mouth Chicken Recipe
- Oven
- 4 boneless, skinless chicken breåsts trimmed of excess fåt
- 1 cup måyonnåise (or Greek yogurt for å heålthier option)
- 1 cup pårmesån cheese (or shårp Cheddår, or Åsiågo) divided
- 1 tsp seåsoning sålt
- 1/2 tsp blåck pepper
- 1 tsp gårlic powder
- Cut eåch chicken breåst into 3 lårge chunks or strips. Plåce chicken breåst strips/chunks in å bowl of milk/buttermilk. Let it soåk for 20 -30 min or overnight.
- Preheåt oven to 375 F. In å småll bowl, combine the måyonnåise, 1/2 cup of pårmesån cheese ånd seåsonings.
- Plåce chicken into å 9x13 båking dish ånd spreåd the mixture evenly on top of the chicken breåsts, ånd sprinkle with remåin pårmesån.
- Båke for åbout 40-45 minutes, or until cooked through. You cån ålso finish them off under the broiler for å minute or two to get them extrå browned on top.
- Serve with å veggie like these delicious fresh broccoli thåt I steåmed. Seåson with å dåsh of fresh pårsley, if desired.
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