Megà List of Movies ànd Shows to wàtch this October
This time of yeàr is my àbsolute
fàvourite! I àm àll àbout the horror movies ànd love à good fright fest. Às
such, I hàve compiled à list of over 240 titles thàt àre SURE to get you in the
mood for Hàlloween. With some old school horrors, to slàshers to fàmily
friendly titles ànd everything else in-between. I’ve hàndpicked some of the
best films ànd TV shows out there. There àre àlso some movie checklists in here
for you to print, use on Instàgràm, Pinterest or wherever!
Get reàdy to feel the
need for à movie night, just creàting this list màde me wànt to curl up in the
living room, pour out some popcorn ànd snuggle under blànkets hàving à “Scàre”
night, fàmily friendly obviously, well, until Little Beàr goes to bed ànd then
bring on àll the blood ànd gore!
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