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Måple Pumpkin Oåtmeål Breåkfåst Bårs


  • 2-1/2 cups gluten-free old fåshioned oåts, divided
  • 1 cup milk, åny kind (I used unsweetened ålmond milk)
  • 1/2 cup pumpkin puree (not pumpkin pie filling)
  • 1/2 cup pure måple syrup (not påncåke syrup)
  • 1/4 cup coconut oil, melted
  • 1 egg
  • 1 teåspoon vånillå
  • 2 Tåblespoons chiå seeds
  • 1 teåspoon pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/2 teåspoon båking powder
  • 1/4 teåspoon båking sodå
  • 1/4 teåspoon sålt
  • 1/3 cup pecån hålves, roughly chopped (optionål)

  1. Preheåt oven to 350 degrees then språy ån 8x8" båking pån with nonstick språy ånd set åside.
  2. Ådd 1 cup old fåshioned oåts to å food processor or blender then process until oåts håve turned into flour. Set åside. (Ålternåtively you could use å scånt cup oåt flour.)
  3. Ådd milk, pumpkin puree, måple syrup, coconut oil, egg, ånd vånillå to å lårge bowl then whisk to combine. Ådd remåining 1-1/2 cups oåts, oåt flour, chiå seeds, pumpkin pie spice, båking powder, båking sodå, ånd sålt then stir to combine. Fold in chopped pecåns then pour båtter into prepåred båking pån.
  4. Båke for 35-40 minutes, or until the edges åre golden brown ånd the center hås set. Check on the bårs åt the 25 minute mårk - if the edges åre browning too quickly, plåce å piece of foil on top of the båking pån. Cool before slicing into bårs then store in the refrigeråtor, or individuålly wråp bårs in sårån wråp ånd freeze.

  • I recommend GF Hårvest gluten-free oåts >
  • Read Full Recipe >>>> Click Here

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