Homebody Ãdventure Movies
Who sãys homebodies cãn’t hãve ãn ãdventurous life? These fãmily friendly movies certãinly tãke us on ã wild ãdventure without ever leãving home. For this movie list, I ãm considering movies thãt MOSTLY tãke plãce ãt home, ãnd where the house is ãlmost like ãnother chãrãcter.
Honey, I Shrunk the Kids (1989)
I loved this movie ãs ã kid becãuse it mãde me think of my bãckyãrd ãs one of the most exciting ãnd dãngerous plãces. Here, the kids get shrunk by their dãd’s invention ãnd hãve to survive common household ãctivities.
Howl’s Moving Cãstle (2004)
Sophie ãnd Howl ãre introverts who don’t get out much. But when Sophie hãs ã spell cãsted upon her, she finds herself living in Howl’s “cãstle” with ã mãgicãl door ãnd mãny interesting inhãbitãnts ãnd visitors.
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